sprachraum im britischen Guardian

Wir freuen uns sehr, dass der Guardian über unsere Arbeit mit Geflüchteten im sprachraum berichtet hat. Der Artikel beleuchtet die Geschichte des sprachraums und beschreibt, was dort passiert. Es geht auch um die Rolle von Bibliotheken für die Integrationsarbeit allgemein und wie sich die Bibliothekslandschaft in Großbritannien von der deutschen unterscheidet.

The sprachraum, a large ground-floor room that sits opposite the main library building, serves as both a meeting point and learning hub for the city’s migrant community – which, as of December 2016, is 13,253-strong.
“The idea actually came about before the first huge wave of refugees came to Germany,” explains Vogt. “I was seeing a lot of people who were coming to the central library for language lessons, who were asking if there was any additional space where they could go for extra classes. At that time, we didn’t have anything.”

“It was around this point that Vogt discovered an abandoned room across the square abutting onto the library’s main entrance. The librarian pitched the idea of a space exclusively for refugees to City Hall, which was paying rent on the property.
“They agreed instantly,” says Vogt. “It then took us three or four months to finalise the room and get all the furniture. It’s now been open for around 18 months, and it’s in good condition. If you have a nice space, people will always take good care of it.”

Den vollständigen Artikel könnt ihr hier lesen: https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2017/feb/21/cologne-library-opens-doors-refugees-you-fill-room-with-life


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